We've all got a friend like that: everything is always in order at her house: the kitchen is spotless, the toilet bowl is spotless.

For a long time, I believed these women possessed the family gene. I was under the impression that they were scheduled for at least an hour of squabbling each night, as well as full housekeeping for the majority of the weekend. I, for one, had given up because I lacked the time and resources to do it. I didn't have a lot of free time, but I preferred to enjoy it.

I still don't have the time or inclination to spend hours every week cleaning up my house. I found some tips to make the house presentable 80% of the time after I developed a taste for simplicity. Here are tips from people whose homes always look pristine.

1. They do not confuse order and cleanliness

A house will be clean if the floors and surfaces have been scrubbed, the furniture has been dusted, the carpet has been vacuumed, and the toilets and bathrooms have been sparkling. This house would not appear tidy if the unmade beds are covered with clothes, the floor is littered with toys, and there are stacks of books and newspapers strewn about. I can live and feel good in a tidy house, even if it doesn't shine brightly, because I can't relax in a clean but messy house. Get a luxury apartments in Lahore and enjoy your life.

2. They got used to tidying up

These people don't wait until their house looks like an explosion blew it up to react and spend hours cleaning up the mess. They have a habit (and not a calendar in their head, mind you) to regularly tidying up each room. For example, putting back the cushions and folding the throws in the living room before going to bed, getting children to put away their toys, hanging up clothes at night, folding clean linen as soon as it is dry, etc.

3. They clean immediately

Like storage, cleaning in stride has become second nature to them. After dinner, they do the dishes, rinse the bathroom sink after their toilet, and sweep the kitchen after afternoon tea. This relative cleanliness during the week saves them the great cleaning of the weekend. This leaves them more time and energy to mop and dust the baseboards (from time to time, we understand each other).

4. They accumulate fewer things

It's hard to have a house invaded when you don't have tons of stuff. Instead of spending hours tidying up to find the same mess the following week, these people avoid clutter.

5. They have a catch-all drawer

In truth, no one is perfect, and not everything has its place. That's why, when friends show up unexpectedly, a drawer will collect the few things scattered on the kitchen counter, where they will be forgotten for a while.

Simple and easy to learn, these habits are much less time-consuming than you might think. Instead, they save time. If you want your home to always look clean, slowly introduce these tips into your daily or weekly routine.

It's a safe bet that a baby's arrival and then, I hope, of a large family, will make my goat on the household side. We will have to adapt. The goal of a house that is clean 80% of the time may drop to 60% or even 50%. But I am convinced that these habits are compatible with children in the paws, especially if we involve them. The purchase of baby and toy stuff is moreover an opportunity or never to stick to the basics. The battle is won first in the field of accumulation.

In the meantime, if your things are sometimes lying around in every corner, if the crumbs have invaded the kitchen, and if the cabinets have not been scrubbed for weeks, do not worry: you are still doing very well. Visit union complex for Luxury Lifestyle Apartments.


  1. I feel there is a need to provide home cleaning services alongwith this as well since one always wants to hire the best services for themselves as well.

    Hemstädning Älvsjö


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