what disease is treated by Neurologist and how the examination is carried out


what disease is treated by Neurologist  and how the examination is carried out

Doctors-neurologists are engaged in diagnostics, prevention, and treatment of a wide range of central and peripheral nervous systems; they carry out therapy for some musculoskeletal system pathologies. Most of the calls to these specialists are associated with pathologies such as neuritis, osteochondrosis, and sciatica. In their practice, doctors are always guided by modern examination and treatment methods, and they use special tools and effective drugs. If necessary, neurologists can refer their patients to surgery. As a rule, surgical treatment is carried out at advanced stages of the disease when conservative therapy does not give the desired effect.

What does a neurologist treat?

Neurologists are involved in treating headaches, osteochondrosis (cervical and other parts), spinal hernias, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, etc. The best doctors in USA provide more facilities in medical field.

Specialists are contacted for:

  • Osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine
  • Strokes
  • Epilepsy
  • Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
  • Insomnia and other sleep disorders
  • High and low blood pressure

Professionals deal with disorders associated with genetic disorders provoked by fetal hypoxia and other complications during pregnancy and childbirth, trauma, inflammatory diseases (including meningitis), degenerative conditions in the spine, articular cartilage, etc.

Neurologists pay special attention to complications of the perinatal period. Paediatric specialists carry out complex diagnostics and therapy of infantile cerebral palsy and other nervous system lesions. Some pathologies (for example, headaches) are eliminated by neurologists together with other doctors. In especially severe cases, consultations of doctors are gathered, who decide on conservative therapy or surgery. In addition, specialists will develop a methodology for managing the patient, which will ensure the preservation of his health.

When to see a neurologist?

An appointment with a specialist should be made when:

  • Headaches. It is essential to get an appointment as soon as possible if the pains are sudden and sharp, gradually increase, and are not relieved by standard medications.
  • Frequent dizziness, light-headedness, and fainting
  • Pain in the face, neck, back, limbs, all over the body
  • Muscle weakness
  • Sleep, speech, memory, concentration disorders
  • Unsteadiness of gait and general impairment of coordination of movements
  • Uncontrolled limb movements (including tics)

With a child, you should see a doctor as soon as possible if the baby:

  • Curls toes when standing or walking
  • Has difficulty falling asleep, wakes up frequently
  • Scattered and unable to concentrate
  • Gets tired quickly
  • Suffers from memory loss
  • Poorly at school
  • Has difficulty communicating with peers

Important! Don't put off your doctor's appointment until later. Some of the diseases that fall within the purview of neurologists are rapidly progressive and irreversible. Therefore, their effective therapy is possible only in the early stages. At this stage, you can stop the progression of the pathological process and remove some of the symptoms.

How is the appointment going?

An appointment with a neurologist always begins with a conversation with the patient. First, a specialist needs to collect an anamnesis.

To do this, the patient should inform the doctor about:

  • Genetic predisposition to certain diseases
  • Disturbing symptoms, their severity, and frequency of manifestation
  • Drugs taken

It is advisable to bring all the results of the examinations (if any), extracts, and other medical documentation to the neurologist's appointment. This will allow the doctor to make the most accurate diagnosis as soon as possible and begin treatment.

Important! If the patient cannot clearly express his thoughts on his own, a relative or other representative must come with him to the appointment. It is he who will have to answer all the questions. Therefore, it would help if you prepared in advance for the consultation.

After the conversation, the doctor conducts an examination.

The neurologist necessarily evaluates:

  • Locomotor activity
  • The symmetry of the limbs and shoulders
  • Posture features
  • Shaking hands and body in general

The specialist checks reflexes and muscle strength, temperature, and pain sensitivity of the skin. The USA Best Doctors provide the best treatment in medical field. Also, coordination of movements, the ability to correctly assess the spatial position of the body, stability in various poses are determined. Neurologists today have in their arsenal several actual tests. But, first, they give a general idea of ​​the state of the nervous system.


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