
Showing posts from March, 2021


If you're a novice or a professional competitor, linked sport is an opportunity to try to motivate yourself more quickly and to always drive yourself forward in your efforts. A self-coaching principle that is within everyone's control. Connected sport, how does it work? The connected sport principle is very simple: using specific equipment, physical performance, such as heart rate or running speed, is recorded and then transmitted via a smartphone application. Depending on the equipment chosen, you can also observe your data in real-time: the connected cardio bracelet, for example, displays various information on its screen for ever more intuitive and rapid use, even during exercise. The range of connected objects for sport is growing to suit all budgets: for around 40 euros, you can get basic equipment. Sports stores and home equipment stores offer all kinds of bracelets, watches, and sensors to suit all tastes. <a href="

Buying a house - step by step to owning property

  The inspection - apartment and surroundings Have you found an apartment that interests you? The first step is a conscientious inspection of the apartment. An apartment can sound like a dream in the description in the exposé or on the real estate portal, but in reality, it does not correspond to your ideas at all. Conscientiousness is also advisable for existing apartments due to the usually applicable phrase “bought as seen”, which makes overlooked defects your only problem after signing the contract (a seller can only be held responsible for hidden defects).   When viewing the property, take into account the current market situation in your purchasing region! If there are many apartments for sale on the market in your region, you can be more selective. When the real estate supply is scarce, features such as floor coverings or bathrooms become secondary. However, always pay attention to the old and most important "real estate wisdom ": You can change everything about ...


  We've all got a friend like that: everything is always in order at her house: the kitchen is spotless, the toilet bowl is spotless. For a long time, I believed these women possessed the family gene. I was under the impression that they were scheduled for at least an hour of squabbling each night, as well as full housekeeping for the majority of the weekend. I, for one, had given up because I lacked the time and resources to do it. I didn't have a lot of free time, but I preferred to enjoy it. I still don't have the time or inclination to spend hours every week cleaning up my house. I found some tips to make the house presentable 80% of the time after I developed a taste for simplicity. Here are tips from people whose homes always look pristine. 1. They do not confuse order and cleanliness A house will be clean if the floors and surfaces have been scrubbed, the furniture has been dusted, the carpet has been vacuumed, and the toilets and bathrooms have been sparklin...