

The production of shipping boxes is a difficult and responsible task because the resulting products must have the appropriate performance and be affordable in terms of their cost. Such boxes are widely used in the work of postal services and companies engaged in cargo transportation. They are ideal for packaging goods and material values ​​for their subsequent transportation by road, sea, air, or rail.

What material are the shipping boxes made of?

Most often, corrugated cardboard is used for this purpose - a durable and easy-to-use material that is widely used all over the world to create packaging. It combines excellent performance characteristics, namely:

A lightweight
the finished boxes of such cardboard are lightweight even despite their large size, which greatly facilitates the process of using such products as containers in the provision of services related to the transportation of various goods and cargo.

High strength
 Another important advantage of a corrugated board is its inherent ability to withstand high loads. In this case, each type of such cardboard is assigned one or another class, which indicates its performance characteristics (for example, peeling resistance or absolute resistance to punching).

Easy to get
 The technology for the production of corrugated boards for creating boxes is very affordable and widespread. Thanks to this, many foreign and domestic enterprises are engaged in the manufacture of containers from it, for example, the USA box factory.
Low and affordable cost. If you are interested in the possibility of purchasing custom cardboard boxes shipping boxes, the prices for the production of this packaging material are very favorable and affordable.
Another major advantage of corrugated boards (used in the shipping box manufacturing process) is that they can be created from old paper and cardboard. Thus, by using waste paper as raw material and the principle of recycling paper materials, box manufacturers take care of the ecology and the environment. In addition, this feature allows you to protect wildlife from extermination, preserving coniferous and deciduous forests.

Cardboard box - production and sale

Many years ago, grooved rolls were used to create such custom packaging, which was manually driven and heated using gas burners. But these times are far in the past since today modern and high-tech production equipment is used for the production of cardboard boxes.
Its use makes it possible to produce boxes of almost any size - standard, as well as those that are designed taking into account the customer's requirements. If necessary, the material can be given the required shape, it can be painted in the appropriate shade of color. At the request of the customer, a drawing is applied to the surface of the product (for example, the logo and the name of its enterprise or trademark).
Various types of materials can be used in the production of shipping boxes. First of all, there are various brands of gypsum cardboard (it can be two-layer, three-layer, five-layer, or seven-layer). For such a product to be as practical and reliable as possible in use, as well as to comply with the characteristics stated in the technical documentation, it must be created by GOST or other types of state quality standards.
As for the sale of transport brown boxes, most often it is carried out in bulk. Customers in most cases are private and public enterprises that operate in the field of private cargo transportation, logistics, industry, and other areas of business.

Where can you order corrugated cardboard boxes for cargo transportation?

If you need a high-quality cardboard box for any purpose, the sale (production) of such products is carried out by our USA factory. We have at our disposal modern production facilities that allow us to create such products in almost unlimited quantities.

We create both exclusive modifications of transport boxes for the customer's size and standard models, which are widely used in various areas of business. Each item is created according to strict quality standards from specially prepared raw materials. We also use waste paper intended for recycling.

To place an order for the production of boxes, you just need to send an e-mail or contact us by phone numbers listed on the website.


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